1. Call/Text/Email the Buyer, Seller, Listing Agent and Buying Agent. Make sure to CC processing@atlantictitlefirm.com and Peggy@atlantictitlefirm.com in the email.
2. Order Title Commitment, Order Lien Search, Order Estoppel and Contact Seller for Survey and have them sign Survey Affidavit if they have prior survey with no changes to survey.
3. Once Earnest Money Deposit is recorded with Safe Escrow the Receipt must go out immediately to the Buyer, Seller, Listing Agent and Buying Agent.
Make sure to CC processing@atlantictitlefirm.com and Peggy@atlantictitlefirm.com in the email.
4. Once Title Commitment, Lien Search, Estoppel and/or Survey come in from vendors email Buyer, Seller, Listing Agent and Buying Agent. When the vendors send us a receipt for the services we will email whatever party is paying for the item (Buyer or Seller).
Make sure to CC processing@atlantictitlefirm.com and Peggy@atlantictitlefirm.com in the email.
5. Celeste will do live training with you after these steps and will teach you the additional steps needed.